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James 0:02
Yo, what’s going on guys? We’re back with another episode of the After Hours Podcast. Today we have a special guest, George, who is a member in MIC. He’s been with us for a little over a year now. His name and chat is GSC for a little over a year Cool, cool. And he actually if you guys remember Joe Angelo, we interviewed him a few weeks ago. And this is his tab is trading accountability, buddy, so it’s pretty cool to have him on to so we can kind of hear both of their stories. So thanks for coming on, George.

George 0:30
Yeah, man. Yeah

James 0:33
Joe’s a real man. He’s a cool, dude. I like him a lot. He’s super friendly. So he’s good to have an MIC but, but enough about that bum. So George, how did you kind of get into trading? How did you find them? I see and, and want to kind of lead us through that part of your journey?

George 0:46
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah. So actually, I found trading, like in 2016 2017 with Tim Sykes. And I’m not sure how actually, like found them or anything like that. But yeah, I found him and it was really, I was really just, you know, I, I never really, you know, I never really traded. We know when I was initially studying, like, in 2016 2017. But you know, I don’t know, I just I kind of just like, followed but you know, what he was doing and stuff like that? Yeah, just study a lot. Like, you know, you know, he’s his courses and stuff like that, you know, what was in the chat. And then I, I basically stopped all that. And 2020 basically, when the pandemic started, that’s when I kind of got back into it. It was with him again. So like, I kind of just like, you know, join this program, and you know, just started learning training, like, you know, from from, you know, from his online courses and stuff like that. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it wasn’t profitable at all, you know, like, I I never got lucky or anything like that.

James 2:14
Yeah, some people do that. That wasn’t me. Don’t worry. Yeah.

George 2:19
Yeah, and as I mean, I was on Twitter as well. And I forgot how I stumbled upon MIC. I’m pretty sure it was Twitter. I’m not sure who it was. I think actually. I think it was Harry. I found Harry hos through. Beyond the PDT Yeah. With Matthew!

James 2:42
Bryce and Matthew.

George 2:45You and then, you know, I was falling Jack and, and Kyle Williams and all that stuff. Yeah, those guys are!

Getting to Know Other Traders Through MIC

Harry 2:51
All like, you know, good friends of mine. Like, I mean, what I think like not to like cut into your story or anything like that. But I think that when you kind of, you know, get to know people. And like it wasn’t necessarily through like I knew Jack, like before beyond the PDT and we were just kind of like going over because like I was a long trader. He was like an OTC trader I was like maybe I can teach you some stuff about longing you can teach me some stuff about OTC we can kind of you know mix and match about stuff like that. But like we’ve really kind of like honed in on our own style. But yeah, I met you know, Monaco, I met Bryce through beyond the PDT and I got to know like a bunch of sites guys kind of as well. And, you know, some people who I talked to all the time, some people who I don’t talk to a lot, but I think as you kind of, you know, get better in the industry. You get to know some people like that. And, you know, I you know, never anything bad to say about like those, you know, great guys.

George 3:56
That podcast is definitely underrated.

James 3:59
I know that was fun. I wish they kept doing it. To be honest. There was a lot of fun. So George, at this point, when you found hair you found MIC were you just like buying breakouts or were you just like, did you not even have like any sort of process? Were you just kind of winging it and hoping it would work or? Yeah, it was that party journey.

George 4:17
I mean, with the 2020 pandemic, you know, like all the Coronavirus stocks, you know, it’s so easy to get lucky. Like I guess there was a period of where I was consistently winning. But there was really no like, you know, process to it and yeah you know, after like such a strong bull market, you know, you can really just buy anywhere at the beginning of the day and, and, and make money. And it wasn’t until somewhere in 2020 where the market started to slow down. I basically lost you know, I made a few 1000 and then I just kind of lost it all back. But yeah i just i handle process and like, once I remember I would I would attend your as Wednesday webinars with Tosh. Yeah. And, you know, I don’t know, I guess I had to be like, I don’t know, I want you guys’s webinars, and I watched all your guys’s like free YouTube videos. And at that point, and then you guys offered the half off monthly. And I mean, that just did it for me, you know, like, I got hooked from there, you know, and just, you know, became became, you know, a member from there.

James 5:36
Hell yeah, man. So what was your experience? When you first joined? Did you find it was like, easy to navigate, you find it was easy to like, talk to people and like, you know, meet others and all that stuff?

George 5:46
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Whatever, what everyone says, you know, like, the, the mods, you know, they’re very helpful, very friendly. You know, in any other room, you know, you can’t, you can’t you can’t even get like an answer to like, any moderator, or anything like that. So it was just Yeah, it was just a big difference, you know, and I’m glad I took that chance. And, you know, I’m glad I’m here with you guys today. And so much has changed, you know, like, I just, yeah, just like so much knowledge now of, you know, what’s going on? And you know, that MIC process.

How to Attack the Market Now

Harry 6:30
Yeah, so, I don’t mean to, like cut you off or anything like that. But so you join MIC. And you know, you watch some of the webinars, you kind of get to know, you maybe we watch because you’re more long biassed, right?

George 6:46
Yeah. Yeah, I really have this sell, like, similar to yours.

Harry 6:51
Yeah, so maybe we can kind of dive in. And like talk about that throughout the podcast as well. And so, but just just since we’re at kind of like, the initial stages of just like talking about how you join and stuff like that? How did you kind of go about like attacking things? Is there anything that you would do different? Like, since when you first joined? Is there is there, you know, like, how would you kind of like, attack the market now? You know, those are kind of my questions. I was kind of wondering from you.

George 7:25
Well, I would say in the beginning, I’ve always liked longing. So any tea, I’ve always loved your video. So like, I I’ve always I would say, like, gravitate towards your strategies and stuff like that? Yeah. So, I mean, I would just, you know, learn from the videos. I mean, I would watch all MIC videos, every, you know, everything is helpful. But, you know, I would see your trades, I would, you know, you know, see your commentary, you know, main chat is very, very helpful. And, you know, I will use small size, I’m using bigger size now, but definitely in the beginning, it’s best to use small sizes, so like testing and stuff like that, and you know, things just start to click you know, and you start to understand, you know, why stocks move a certain way. And, you know, you kind of start to see patterns and you know, just like all technical analysis that you guys teach it just, it all starts to click, you know, and you just, you know, you start to feel confident and yeah, so like, I’m very confident and you know, for example, like short trips, I know I know Harry the love short trucks you know, the first bounce just you know, all the strategies that you know, that you’ve like, I definitely have learned and, you know, still still mastering but um, that’s cool.

James 9:05
So, what what drew you to Harry style training because I know like obviously people when they first get involved, you know, it’s a tough decision between longing and shorting and you know, we have really good mods for both and what kind of drew you to longing and what drew you to Harry style of longing particular?

George 9:21
I think it’s because well, I guess initially I have a small account so I I kind of really short at least in the beginning. So you know, longing was kind of my only option at first. But as I studied it more because I knew I had to at least study that first actually start to like it and you know, I’ve always studied shorting as well you know, when I when I study, you know, the MSC videos or just you know, with Tom, you know, you know, all sorbets, traders you know, you can learn From everyone, even though you’re, you know, just having like, multiple, you know, multiple perspectives of both sides, you know that that can really help you. So yeah, for sure, that’s great advice. Yeah.

Harry 10:14
So since you’re here, and we only have like, you know, 30 minutes or so, I try and, you know, jam it in as much as we can, because there’s so much to kind of, like, talk about. So what are some things that you find that you’re kind of struggling with? I mean, you know, you have me here, right now, it’s not like a pre recorded video or anything like that, or like a DM or not a robot? What are some things that you’re kind of struggling with now that maybe you need some clarity on or maybe you’d kind of like to, you know, kind of learn about or, you know, maybe talk about some struggles that you have with like, maybe FOMO? Or like, I don’t want to put any words, like in your mouth, you know, because like, I have no idea, but maybe you just talk about, like, some kind of struggles or like how you would kind of attack every day or just anything like that, you know.

James 11:01
Psychology wise or trading wise, like anything, anything involved with the markets?

George 11:06
Right, right. Yeah, I would say, I would say it’s like, partly discipline. It’s also patients. No, it’s not like this every day. You know, some days, I do really great, you know, with my discipline and patience. And just some days, I just get into FOMO. And and it kind of just ruins a whole day. And I also have trouble with the concept of being under PDT, just the fact that you know, you you basically have limited trades. And sometimes that puts pressure, especially, you know, if you like, like, you hear you mainly trade, like the first, I would say, well, two hours, you know, yeah. And if you think about it, it kind of puts pressure, you know, like, pre market, you’re watching all the stocks, you know, watching it for hours and stuff like that, and it comes down to that, you know, that those are, you know, maybe one maybe two key moments where, you know, you have opportunity to take a trade sometimes, you know, being on a PDT having those limited trades, you know, if it gets you, so maybe I’ll get in too early, you know, thinking I’m gonna miss a trade or, or sometimes I think that I’m patient, I’m being patient. And then once it gets kind of towards mid day, and there’s really not that much opportunity left, I end up like, you know, foaming, fumbling into like, a trade, you know, I shouldn’t be in and stuff like that.

Rules for Patience and Discipline

George 12:46
But yeah, I would say patience, a little bit of patience a little bit discipline.

James 12:52
Or you want to first!

Harry 12:55
I think for me, especially with longing, longing is something where not, you’re not going to see every stock go to the moon, I mean, with any stock, right, you’re not going to see every single stock all day fade, you’re not going to see every single stock go to the moon. And it really comes down to putting rules in place. So you’re not putting yourself in a position where, you know, you’re making those mistakes. And so I think that I have different rules for everything. So for discipline, for instance, right? You know, or this one can go really for discipline, patience, FOMO, if I see something like, you know, like a big pump, you know, and you know what I mean? Like a really big pump, where you see something, go from three to four, or you see something where you’re like, wow, I missed that, you know, I usually take myself and, and, you know, I have kind of like a rule where I’m gonna wait, you know, 30 minutes to an hour where I won’t talk after something like that, right? Because, you know, every single person who has just seen what you’ve saw, now has FOMO now has problem with discipline now has, you know, all those issues that you’re kind of talking about that have kind of like, you know, limited you away from that kind of, you know, consistency that you want to get to, so I guess you need to remember that every single person is really dealing with the same issues, but it’s just really how you kind of go and attack things, you know, and, you know, being too early is is another curse for a long trader. Because when you’re longing like you’re always like, oh, I want to get in like kind of like, you know, when I was first longing, I would like long things that like didn’t have any volume that were kind of dead. Because I was like, man, if this thing runs, this is going to like, you know, nine or 10 or whatever, but the reality is, is that maybe only 20% or 10% of those types of trades are really going to work well for you. You know, yeah, that’s my in longing you need to be just so so so kind of discipline. And so my my advice to you would really be, you know, if you see something pop up on your screen, and you know Oh, you already feel that FOMO and you already are like, Man, I gotta get in this, I gotta trade this, you know, take as much as an hour, you know, set a timer on your phone for an hour and say I’m not going along this for like an hour. And that can be difficult because you can see stocks that get overextended and that just keep going and going and going. And so after they top out, I usually wait, you know, like an hour. I think another thing is that, you know, as far as the revenge trading goes, and especially with PDT, it’s difficult when you kind of get into early, you make a mistake, and then you’re like, I only have so many trades for the week. But you know, I want to get this back. If some, if you find yourself in that type of situation, it’s best to just really wait another hour, you know, it takes sometimes 30 minutes to an hour for these emotions to kind of cool down and drain out of our system, and allow us to take another, you know, type of trade again, and especially, you know, it’s like almost like, you see something like that it literally like terrorises your emotions, right, especially as a long trader, when you miss something, and you see it just go up, up, up and up. You know, it sucks, and you know, you’ve missed it, but you need to just say to yourself, Okay, like, you know, I obviously have missed this one, you know, I haven’t got it. Now I’m gonna wait like an hour, 30 minutes, I’m going to take some really kind of collect myself. And just one more thing is that I think stock selection is really key. And you know, especially with the hot chicks, you never want to competing, you know, against each other head to head. And also, another thing you never want is that you never want to be long and things that really are not doing that much volume and really don’t really have that much attention, you know, and, you know, there are times where, you know, like, we talk sometimes and you’re like, Oh, well, that’s socks only up 20%. Or that stocks only up this much or it’s that much. I never said hard and fast rules, I’m only paying attention to the volume, you know how much attention I think this thing has? What’s kind of going on, because by the time something is up, you know, 100% sometimes it can’t really go up any higher. And we hit this kind of like price ceiling. And you we saw it on SNL a today where the stock just kind of tanked out of the open, right? You know, I’m not really someone who puts hard and fast rules on, you know, the percentage or anything like that I’m paying attention to is it the hot chick? Does it have an attention? Are people looking to kind of get involved? And then like when we get that kind of dip? Okay, are we back up again? You know, do I think we have some short sellers, who were kind of had that FOMO that you kind of talked about on the long side on the short side, right. And that’s how we kind of play against those types of people and get that move higher. So I think really setting rules for your FOMO if you just take a look at your trades and find out what mistakes you’re making a new set rules to, like my rules are designed, so I’m not trading, like I want to have so many rules that I only can make, you know, maybe less than five trades a day, right? Because if you’re making too many trades a day, or you’re not making the right trades a day, then that’s something that can kind of hurt you on that road to consistency. But that’s just kind of my thoughts on that. Right?

The Difference Between Long and Short Trading

James 18:01
I think I think from Long’s to this isn’t even like part of my point. But like, I think for Long’s to, like rules are so almost much harder and like much more important because I think it’s a long it’s like you’re you, you It’s hard because obviously a stock can technically run from like $1 to $100. Right? But so every time you get in you have to fight that emotion of like, this thing’s gonna go to fucking the moon. Whereas a short, it’s like, you kind of know like, there’s only a certain level and how far this thing’s gonna go down today. You know, so it’s a long it’s definitely got to be really fucking hard. And I think you guys fight much more emotions, but but on your on your three topics. So you have there’s discipline, like Chase, chasing, like kind of following trading,

Harry 18:42
Discipline, and follow. Yep. So.

James 18:46
So I guess on the first, the first part of discipline is and this is my favourite point to bring up to people is the thing with discipline is one we’ve talked about it before in the past, where if you’re not disciplined outside of trading, it’s almost impossible to be disciplined inside trading, I fully believe that. So if you’re struggling with discipline, I challenge you outside of trading, to put in things in place, whether it’s going to the gym, daily diet, not drinking during the weekdays, put something in place that you have to test your discipline outside of the market, because you have to work on it outside of this as well. And that will translate and correlate kind of into your, your market behaviour. And I think the key thing with discipline is through discipline, you will find consistency, right? And what makes the best traders and people like Alex in or bow or Tosh or any of these guys great is that they’re just consistent with their discipline. And if you notice, the more discipline they are, I mean, how often you see these guys really lose, right? Not very often like once, once every few months, like you know they’ll have a red day or something like that. And through teaching yourself discipline outside of the market, bringing it in, you’re just going to notice slowly over time, like wait a second, I’m full following these rules that I have in place, and I’m not losing, and then the more you do that, in my opinion, the easier it gets to stay disciplined if that makes sense. Because you just like, it’s the same thing in life in general, like I work out, I try to work out every weekday, right? And the more I stick with that, the easier it is for me to do that, and then also do my diet, and then also maybe not drink on certain days or whatever, because it’s all around a focus in my life. In discipline stuff, it’s not easy man discipline stuff, because it’s, that’s why trading is hard, because I think 90% of it is discipline and like patients and all that. Now, as far as patients, I remember Harry said something a long time ago, and it was a really good kind of quote. And he was just saying that the more patient you are with your entry, the more patient you can be with your exit. Yeah, and I find that really true for both long and short. And because it’s the same thing, like if I get into that, for especially shorting because I scale into my shorts, sometimes like one or two bullets, logging, sometimes I don’t really, I’m not my thing. So I can’t speak on that. But for me, it’s like half the time, if I just wait for my initial line, and my initial entry, not only would I have a better average, I can size in easier with less stress. So like what I do a lot of times is the very it’s a point from bow as well is the first line that I want to get in at, I just skip or I use like tiny, tiny size, like if I want to start my position with like 1000 shares, I’d say I might use 100 shares at that first kind of line, because I know that if I’m more patient for the best entry, then it’s going to make me more patient for my exit and also gives me more confidence as far as adding size and staying calm like in my my position, because if you just size into the first line and you can’t stay patient for that setup, then you’re you’re just gonna end up either getting shaken out, or it’s not going to be the trade you want you already feel great about it. And honestly, if the more patient you stay for your setups, it kind of correlates back to your discipline, the more patient you are your discipline is going to kick in. You’re saying alright, I’m waiting for my spot and this trade is going to work most of the time if you trade outside of your discipline in your patients the trades gonna fucking suck anyways and you’re gonna lose money that’s just that’s just regardless now as far as PDT I guess on this last piece too and like kind of like PDT revenge trading all that stuff. PDT is hard. And I’m not gonna say I agree with that rule. I think it’s kind of BS and I can give you a billion reasons why, but it’s stupid to complain about it because we all have to deal with it right? Unless you’re in Canada like so. I think that it’s a pain in the ass and I again, I think it’s a dumb fucking rule but at the end of the day, right we have to deal with it. So the way I approach it is the way I approached it when I was under PDT is I thought of it like I was like a blackjack player, but I only really had one hand to play, so I had to avoid any setup that I thought was subpar. And at this point in your career, you need to identify which setups are subpar which setups are just like your trading to trade because you’re over PDT, you can kind of take those subpar setups with smaller size and and try it out and feel it out and see how it works. But when you’re under PDT, you’re at the table, you have one bet. So you’re one bet better be you have to face cards or something like that, like you better have all the right cards and be the most confident you are in that setup, which is your A plus setup your A plus hand for you to place that bet. And I know it’s hard and I know it’s tough, but you have to why yourself to kind of understand that like you’re this is the position you’re in right now. And you will get out of it by staying patient right your whole issues are these issues through concern are just related to discipline with everything right. Like if you stay more patient and more discipline while you’re under PDT, you’re gonna get faster over PDT because when you kind of break that and you revenge trade and you do something like that, you’re pushing the you’re just pushing the goal line faster and farther, right, you just need there’s more money now you have to make to get over PT, and it’s a huge bitch. But if you can just kind of stay patient for those 20 blackjack hands and be okay with it. And you know, when you’re about to make a FOMO trade or you’re about to revenge trade, everybody knows the feeling everybody feels it in their stomach. They feel it in their brain that you’re about to do something stupid. And you need to recognise that like I do it to this day, I get the feeling like Oh, I’m gonna get in right now and just see how it goes. When I feel that I feel it in my my stomach and like my hand I’m just like, I know what I’m about to click a button and look like an idiot and do something stupid. So I literally have to pull myself out of the computer. I just take it I take a step drink some water, spin around my room for a second, go pee and then come back. And you’ll find that if you can avoid those little moments the better setups will show up.

George 24:32
Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I would say sometimes it’s easy to get tricked into thinking you know, there’s like a confirmation of entry you know, I just feel like you know when when is the right entry when is the right confirmation signal and sometimes you go in a little too early and what gets me is under PDT you know, like, you know, say I left few trades on the day. You know, that’s one trade wasted. If I got if I got into really even though I do have that gut feeling, like you said, I don’t know, you know, how you get that gut feeling, but it’s kind of like an experience telling you like, hey, this doesn’t feel right. And sometimes, like you see it on the low house charts, you know, like, he gets in, and then gets out real quick. Just knowing like, hey, like, you know, I’m in too early or just it doesn’t feel right. I can’t do that yet. Since I’m under PDT. I know, I should, you know, kind of like for, like, breakeven, but sometimes I get emotional, like, Okay, I’ll just, you know, I’ll just see where this goes. And it kind of fucks me up.

James 25:39
Yeah, bro. I mean, that’s not easy to that’s not easy to go out there.

Harry 25:43
I think that like, one thing that can help you is that, you know, let’s say you come in tomorrow, and, and, or maybe, or maybe you even take a day off or something. And you know, you kind of go over like your your past trades, and you kind of start to try and like develop a really, really hard and fast set of rules. You know, developing rules are the easy part, following them, it’s hard. But once you kind of follow them and like you can even maybe even go over some rules that I talked about, because those are rules that I use in my training every single day. And with logging, it’s so important that you’re not chasing these massive pump candles, or that you’re not buying at the top way overview app, or you’re not buying into a whole number you’re not you know, so all the all those things are very important. And so what you can do is that, you know, you say to yourself, Okay, I’m going to sit there and say to myself, I, you know, you’re going to have to kind of make it a habit. And that’s what Alex bow Tosh, they’ve all developed, you know, their their rules, their entry signals, or whatever, and just made it habits every single day. And you know, you start on Monday, and you’re like, Oh, this is tough, man, this is tough, you get to Tuesday, this is tough, man, this is tough, you get to Wednesday, you’re still following the same set of rules, you’re still doing the same execution, you’re still doing what you need to do. By the time you get to Wednesday, I guarantee you, you’re gonna have a better trading day and say, wow, it’s not as tough anymore to follow these rules, because I’ve started to make it a habit, by the time you’re there in two weeks, and you have got, you know, these habits built, you know, it’s so easy, you know, it really takes 30 days, you know, to build a habit, or 90 days or whatever, and it might take like, you know, a bunch of running around and FOMO and revenge trading a few broken that rule is to kind of start to break it, and then you fall into a new kind of set of bad habits. So I think just maintaining good habits is something that is definitely key, and just actively being aware of like, okay, you know, these are what have what have, you know, these are the goals that I’m striving to achieve, this is what I want to become, this is what is going to kind of get me there, I’m going to develop this into a habit. And that can help you a lot. I think, also, another one is just trading that, like, you don’t need the money. You know, I see so many Long’s time to buy the top of the range, I see so many shorts, trying to short the bottom of the range chasing, you know, if you’re chasing anything, and like, I don’t care what it is in life, you know, you’re not going to get it right. But if you’re patient, you know, you’re sitting there, you’re waiting for it. That’s something that is going to help you a lot.

Harry 28:13
aI had a conversation with two other long guys today. And they’re like, man, we sold too early. And then you know, the next day, they’re stopped out because they didn’t sell at the right time. I’m always selling the same areas of the chart every single fucking day, I’m always logging the same areas, and where am I selling every single day, I’m selling always at the highest day, every single day before like,

George 28:35
Range bound, right?

Harry 28:37
I’m just drawing the bottom, I’m drawing the top I’m saying okay, like I find in this market and our lines have been working very, very well for longing. I also find that selling at the top of the range has been working very well we get the occasional one that goes to the fucking moon, I don’t give a shit. And, you know, so everyone is like, man, but But yesterday, I sold too early. It’s like you just are at a point where you just need to just keep building singles. And just build right one signal snowballs into another snowballs into another snowballs into another. And it really gets you to becoming profitable. And the last thing that I just wanted to talk about was just take a little bit of time and wait for the sell. Wait for the setup to kind of develop, right? If it’s a VWAP reclaim you’re looking for there’s no need to buy that first view app test. Yeah, and wait.

George 29:30
On DBGI today. If you kind of saw it hovering around 450. And it looked like like, you know, it’s gonna have like a little VWAP reclaim, you know, and I actually got into early and right when I got in I knew I was in too early. But you know, it just goes back to like the limited trays and like okay, I’m just gonna set this up a little below, and it’s just an unnecessary paper cut. But yeah, I recognise that was too early and yeah, it’s First thing is.

Harry 30:02
We can kind of talk about, like that kind of scenario, because that might be a good scenario to kind of end on. But DB Gi, you have to be saying to yourself, Okay, in this chart, how am I going to be able to get excess demand? Because if you want to become a long trader and you want to grow your account, that’s the only thing that matters is excess demand. So when I look at DVGi, and I don’t have the chart in front of me, but I believe we had 450, we had V whap. And the top was maybe like, five 5.50, right? Yeah, the top was already set on DVGI, the odds of that climbing all the way back and pulling like an EDSA from two weeks ago, or something like that. Very, very, very slim. If I have to say something from two weeks ago or from last month, it’s a setup that does not happen often. So on that I simply left that alone, because I knew every single long trader did not look at did not get what they want it today. ALS. Yeah, we got, you know, eight bucks to 840. You know, I didn’t feel that trade in my bones. When I got it. I wasn’t like this is a great trade. I was like, this is a good scalp.

How to Look for Long Potential

Harry 31:09
You know, and I think for long traders, they’re always looking for homeruns because you know, you’re longing and you have the homerun potential, right. And that’s what James kind of talked about, like James knows, like, Okay, this stock can only really go down so far in this particular situation. But with longing, it can go higher, and it can go to 10 and the moon and whatever, right? Longing is very kind of optimist. biassed. Right? And so I think that in that kind of situation of DBGI. Right, yeah, we got over VWAP. But you have to remember VWAP is a resistance level of supply, what was right after view at 450. So not only do we have VWAP, as that kind of supply area that makes every single long trader hesitant we have 450, right after it. And 450 is a difficult difficult level to break, and especially coming from that, you know, kind of 434 20 area, you know, from that’s a long way for that stock to go. So in that type of situation, I’d rather see it kind of get to 450, take a break, wait an hour, wait for 30 minutes, wait a while and then see if we can come back. Right?

George 32:16
Because you have more time basically. Yeah. 100%

Harry 32:19
Awareness short is going to stop out on that chart. Where do you think shorts are going to stop out on that chart?

George 32:25
I would say are pre market high.

Harry 32:27
Yeah. Right. So, you know, why do you want to be in a situation where you’re longing, you know, before no shorts and trouble, right. And there’s some times where we get to pre market high day too quick, and we stuff and we go lower. That’s the type of situation where the chart wasn’t meant for that type of play, right. But there are situations where the range is tiny, and we can get that shortstop out and we can keep moving higher. But these are things that you need to really take note of, okay, shorts may be stopping out. But this chart has gone up a little bit too much for me and it’s a little too overextended for me to want to get long on, you really have to be very, very, very selective in what you’re logging and, and the way things go up and the way things move. And, and how you figure that out is number one is screen time. And I think you’ve got enough screen time by now. It’s really just saying to yourself, yeah, I am not going to be logging these overextended charts are these broken charts. And if you say that to yourself, that’ll help you a lot, right DBGI like you can admit, that was a broken chart. Right. And you probably logged it and felt stupid afterward after a tank. But you need to be sad.

George 33:31
I felt like it wasn’t really broken. But I mean, I mean, I feel like the chair was still in. Still intact, but I don’t really know.

Harry 33:41
When we’re 50 cents away from high a day. You know, 60 cents away from high of day

James 33:48
What do you say Harry? The homies are shortin it at the top.

Harry 33:53
Pop I don’t want to get caught in the drop. We also had ALS competing, right? So we had competing in that type of situation as well. So not only do we have ALS we have a heavy float we have a tonne of supply ahead of us. Right?

George 34:10
Just yeah. Would you say that pre market was kind of active this was pre market this morning.

Harry 34:17
I mean we had SNOA wasn’t a great one wasn’t some wasn’t a stock that I loved. We had ALS that was kind of moving around got broken got reclaimed. I don’t know if it was I and yeah, we also had DBG I mean, I guess it was active. For me it was active but it didn’t give a lot of great long opportunity. You know we had a lot of overextended things move higher. You know what I’m okay. The thing is with me is that like I’ve made enough money now. So if I miss something, I’m like fuck out. Like, I mean, obviously I’m gonna be like, shit, that sucks. But I’m not going to feel it in my bones right? But when I was new when I was first starting, every single time I missed something or felt like I missed something. I felt it and it really really, really sucks. And you got to be like that go in order to really move on as a trader and really kind of evolve. That’s one thing that you really need to let go as long. It’s tough because we don’t get pre market runners every single day. Right as a short we get a ton of range pre market, right. I mean, half the MIC shorts I know are just fucking bullshitting. Shorting pre market, right. You know, right, everyone is fucking shorting pre market people out. There’s not too fucking is. And because really like as much? I mean, again, I don’t think it’s easier to do either thing, I just think there are a lot of kind of easier kind of lay up short sell setups kind of in the pre market and stuff like that. It really depends on the market cycle. Right. But I mean, I don’t know, I just think that when you’re a long trader and you miss along, you know, I’ve been a short and I bet along, when I see something dump as a short, it sucks. But when I see something go high from seven to $12, as long, you know, that is something as a new trader that I felt a lot. And you know, it’s hard.

James 36:09

George 36:10
One thing I’ve actually been doing as I’ve been waking up, I mean, for a while, I usually wake up over here, and I’m, I’m in California, so I wake up at like, three, around three o’clock in the morning. And, you know, I will get to the screens pretty early. And I just I feel like I did that, because I didn’t want to miss anything. And lately, I’ve been starting a little, little over an hour after that.

James 36:41
yeah, here. Yeah. So it was awesome.

George 36:43
I feel like it does help. Because sometimes, you know, if you if you’re, if you start with the loss and pre market or something like that. Yeah, so I’ve been waking up later, you know, to help with that. But today, I guess, you know, I saw so in a way, you know, I miss DBGI pre market, maybe they gave me a little, they gave me a little you know, FOMO that’s why jumped into that.

James 37:10
Happens, man,

Harry 37:12
You can do something I just want I don’t mean to cut James off, you can, what you can do is keep a little journal. And what you can do is keep your emotional temperature on the morning, and ask yourself questions. Did I miss something? Did I see something? Did I sell too early? Anything that could trigger you in the least to revenge trade, you really need to seep into your emotions and get to know yourself. So well. Take your emotional temperature before like that a lot. Right? Take your emotional temperature and gauge where you’re at. Yeah,

James 37:46
You can do that before you start trading 200 per second. How do you feel in the morning? Do you feel anxious? Do you feel fucking like nervous and all that? And I think that’s, that’s a really, I liked that a lot. Actually, that was really, that was smooth. That’s cool. And I think I think we’re coming up on our time where we do have to wrap up. But the last little piece of advice I want to give you before we do is I really recommend for long bias guys to in shorts, anyone new, you know, all of trading in the beginning. It’s just lack of a lot of it for people’s lack of confidence in your setup. And something I did early on that was a really key piece was I really did print out and screenshot all of my charts and Alex’s charts, and even bows charts and stuff and I actually would put confirmed moves like next to my screen so like if I’m in a setup because I’d rather in the beginning especially under PDT I waited for me to confirm before getting in. So I just had that reference right next to me. So as a long like you can like print a view every claim picture put it right next to you and you know what it’s going to what you want it to look like for it to be a confirmed move. Yeah. And and that helped me out a tonne that helped me out a tonne. Just having that reference point. Like right next to me. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, I know we are coming up by time we let it go a little bit, but it was actually really nice.

Harry 39:03
Just today, what are you doing right now? Like for a living? Like for a job?

George 39:10
Oh, right now I’m actually I’m working part time with my dad. He owns a business. Yeah. And kind of just like side jobs with him. And then I’m actually door dashing throughout the day here and there at night. So just so I can really, you know, have be able to trade in the morning, you know, and get that screen time and I’ve been doing it for about a year now. And yeah, it’s kind of it’s kind of a weird schedule, but I think it’s definitely worth it you know, and yeah, I definitely think you guys you know, for all of them. I see you for teaching me and you know.

James 39:53
Hell yeah, bro. Hell yeah, man. Well, thank you for coming on. Thank you for talking with us. And I I’d love for you to update us Further on in your with your progress

George 40:03
yeah for sure man

James 40:05
Oh man thank you so much George and thank you again so yeah

George 40:08
All right thanks thanks guys



About the Author
65 posts
James F.

James Freedlender is a driven day trader and entrepreneur hailing from Boston. Since embarking on his trading journey in 2018, James has honed his skills and specialized in trading penny stocks, with a focus on longer time frame moves. His dedication and sharp instincts have contributed to his success in the competitive financial world. In addition to his day trading accomplishments, James is a thriving business owner, running a popular barbershop and collaborating with his family in the design and renovation of homes and businesses. His entrepreneurial spirit and keen eye for detail have paved the way for continued success in his various ventures. Outside of his professional pursuits, James is an avid golfer and hiking enthusiast, always eager to explore new trails and perfect his swing. His love for travel has taken him to many corners of the world, enriching his life experiences and providing inspiration for his work. A firm believer in giving back, James is passionate about helping others achieve their financial goals and guiding them on the path to success. His wealth of knowledge, combined with his dedication to uplifting others, makes James Freedlender a respected and admired figure in both his professional and personal life.