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James 0:02
Hey, what’s going on guys? We are back with a very special episode of the after hours Podcast. Today we have Zander, who is, I think the youngest MIC member, if not top two of the youngest. But something crazy like that. But he’s been with us for about four months. And he’s just starting his trading journey really. So Zander if you want to take it away and kind of introduce yourself and let us know how long you’ve been trading and how you found this.

Zander 0:31
Awesome. Yeah. So fun fact, I got started way back in like 2017. And I was actually 13 years old trade. And yeah, the way I found out about trading is just the Robin Hood app in general. And so I basically downloaded it, and I funded it with 10 bucks. And after just like messing around with it. I started getting ads from Tim Sykes. Yeah. And so I looked into his YouTube channel. And I mean, I just it grew from there. And I did educate myself about it, but I didn’t really dive into it when I was 13. Because, you know, we have like a short interest span. Yeah, went on to something else. Yeah. So the pattern was that I would literally just get back into trading for a month every year. And so I kind of just went off and on. But really until I think it was 2020. I got I was like, You know what, I gotta get into this because I’m getting near the end of high school. I think I was in like a junior year. And so what I did was, you know, I started really focusing on it, I got deeper, I learned more from like 10 students like Jack Kellogg, Matthew Monaco stuff. And that was really helpful. And I was trading OTCs. But I decided to go to MIC because OTCs did not have like a process. And what I heard from him I see was that there was you know that you guys had a defined process. And I really liked that because in OTCs I was really struggling with like trying to find how I was going to trade and stuff like that. And so yeah, that’s why I wanted to join MIT because I knew if I joined there was be like a defined process that I could follow.

James 2:18
How did you find them it was it Twitter was it like Instagram?

Zander 2:21
it was actually the beyond the PDT podcast. From both you and Harry’s podcasts on there. I was like, you could hear like the passion of MIC and your voice. And so I was like, Wow, this sounds like really, really awesome. And I was like discipline to sticking to OTC so I’m like, You know what, I’m not going to switch. But then I was like, You know what I got to try month just because it sounds so good. Which I’m so glad. But kind of going back a tiny bit. I got full time into trading, like full time, meaning, you know, like, every free second of my day, I’m I’m studying and trading and stuff like that. That started in February 2021. Cool. So that’s when I started there. And then I got into MIC about three to four months ago. And you know, it’s been, it’s been awesome so far.

James 3:11
That’s awesome, man. That’s cool. And so you’ve been now during that time when you were 13. Or even up until like, when you recently just gotten into it. How many trades Do you think you were taking? Or if any? Or were you just kind of like had that interest? Didn’t know what to do yet? Just kind of like dipping your toes kind of thing?

Zander 3:27
I mean, I probably just made a couple of trades. I think I went way back. And I think like my first trade was hot dries or something like that. And tops like the shippers when they were I think that was like my first day. But I like it was yesterday. Yeah, I was just like buying and selling. But then in like 2020 I really got into it. And I learned like like, you know, all I wanted everything about it. So I was really educated on it. And so when I came back into it and 2021 like, throughout throughout all my high school, I knew that I wanted to become a trader, I just was not disciplined enough to study and stick to it. I got into gaming and like other stuff like that. And I actually, I was trying to go pro and in gaming, and I were I worked like 10 hours plus a day, but I was just literally seeing zero progress. And so I was like thinking I knew, like if I had put that much time into trading, I would have seen progress but in gaming, I didn’t see any progress. And so I was like you know what, I’ve got to dedicate this much time into trading and I’m gonna see huge huge growth compared to gaming.

Gaming vs. Trading

Harry 4:42
With the gaming side because like I’ve talked to a lot of people like that’s like one of my friends Brian Lee. He was just gonna say he was a professional gamer at one point. You know, even Jack how long like Jack loves the game like me and Jack like Jack at one point was like My tabs like me and Jack go way back were like, you know, I remember when Jack was like living with like Dom and like ni DOM and Jack would talk every day and like, they were like trying to get into listed Long’s and like, I was like, okay, like, maybe I can, like, learn about some OTC trades. So we kind of like traded off like that. And obviously, like Jack’s super successful OTC trader, obviously on kind of a successful NASDAQ long, and we ended up kind of like just kind of saying, like, okay, like Harry’s good at longing. He’s like, you know, Jack’s doing OTCs or whatever. But like, those are also guys who like, you know, really enjoy that kind of, like, you know, gaming, I know, a time like, I’ve heard of a ton of traders who have, like, you know, they, they wanted to go pro with gaming, or like, they were like, involved in gaming, and then they kind of, like, kind of moved on towards trading. So I think that’s kind of cool. How, like, you know, you kind of said, Okay, obviously, I, you know, you don’t see progress through gaming, or I mean, maybe, you know, maybe you kind of like, I’m not really sure, like, you know, I don’t know, you never know, on these types of like situations. But, you know, I guess like, that kind of brings me to another point. So like, you kind of you started through gaming, and then you got into trading. And then you kind of like learned that MIC was kind of like a repeatable process and stuff like that. What what do you think what setups have kind of, like, helped you kind of like, along the way, like, during your journey was? Are there any, like key things that stand out that kind of have like, kind of brought you like, to consistency or like maybe like you’re close to consistency or any stuff like that?

Zander 6:41
Yeah, so I do want to talk about so I was, you know, the first month of MIC, I was just learning all the content stuff. And I was actually longing, but I quickly switched to shorting. But what I what I decided to start onward was death candles. And as you know, they have like, not been working the last two months very well. And I was just, you know, I was just getting trapped and trapped and trapped. And so I reached out to after hours. And I have like a whole YouTube video on this, where I just talked about like the advice that you all gave me where I was shorting the bottom of the range, because you know, Death candles, they don’t short the way up, you short, it, you’re somewhat like in the middle to the bottom of the range. And so you’re just getting trapped back to the top. And so the best advice I got was to short the top of the range and first resistance. And so probably the first resistance and just line to line was the best advice I got from MIC and just the best kind of general setup, to just go line to line and not show at the bottom of the range.

How the Market Has Changed Since He Started

James 7:41
It’s kind of crazy to me how much the market has changed. Like even since I started like even just hearing you talk about it because like even death candles, man, like, do when I first started trading, if you saw that candle, like it was like an auto short. It was literally like if you saw a death candle, like I really wouldn’t even wait for a pop, I would just get in and like start shorting. And I remember me and Tasha sitting on the phone together and it’d be like, just keep shorting until you get half the death candle. That’s your risk kind of thing that never failed. And I remember when you message me and you’re like, dude, like, every time it’s devastating, like short, in this market, it just gets reclaimed or it goes back to the top or like, you know, I mean, I think death candles now are like over overused. I think at this point, it’s like, you need that massive candle that like wrecks the entire point. Or else it’s nothing. I mean, I’ve seen def candles that like look like hey, it’s a little higher volume than the rest. They get scooped up like it’s nothing. Yeah, so that’s so that’s tough. So how have you kind of approached I guess, trading lately? You know, like, are you how are you progressing? Size wise, you know, what kind of level of success are you finding and I guess what are your biggest like struggles at this point?

Zander 8:46
Yeah, so this is what I really was excited to talk about. Like one of my biggest struggles in trading has just been like finding a setup that’s right for me. Because I know once I find the setup that I work well with, I’m just gonna just run with it and I want to do really well at it. Because I’m going to dissect it like entry to exit I want to be able to you know, I want to maximize everything about it, but I’ve just really struggling finding a setup for me like with each setup I have like one little thing that I just that just ruins it for me not ruins it but I don’t know I guess I just haven’t find the one that I found the one that clicks with me right now. I’m actually trying to learn all the fades just because I think it would be good for under PDT and good risk reward because I really liked the risk reward aspect of it. Yeah. But like shorting first resistance and stuff, that kind of I don’t like that just because a lot of time I do have to scale like three bullets. And that what gets my mind all messed up is that I’m risking, like, if all my three bullets got hit, and I got stopped out, I’m risking, let’s just say like $50 but if only one of my bullets gets hit, and I’m nailing a baling, then it’s going to be you know 10 to maybe 15 dollar gain. Now I know adding to winter is what makes that like really good. And to get you, you know, one to one, maybe I’d get that $50 gain if I added to the winter, I guess I just haven’t, you know, been good at adding toners yet or something like that. Yeah, that’s kind of the struggle.

How to Short the Pop After the Death Candle

Harry 10:16
Yeah, I’ve just want to chime in, I think one thing about the, as far as, like the Death candle getting reclaimed, like one thing that has kind of like, helped me as far as a long trader, you know, as far as like spotting things that are going to reclaim because my job is basically your job is to short the pop after that candle. And my job is to see, okay, maybe could this reclaim and squeeze a ton of you guys out, right. And if you kind of look at, you know, the way stocks have been trading recently, like these, these bigger players in the market, like leave the same footprints every time, you know, like we had, for instance, life like do you, I don’t know if you remember life, but we would kept keep getting a death candle and keep reclaiming. And you if you look at the death candle at the start of the day, and then you look at the death candle at the end of the day, both of those are completely identical, right? They they did nothing different. They did you know, they, you know, whoever was rigging or running the stock or whatever algo you know, they don’t even try and hide that they’re going to do it again, you know, but it’s just these people over and over and over again that like see a massive red candle think, Oh, the stock has done, the stock has done. And they slowly, slowly, slowly turn them out and pop the stock again, you know, that for me is like it’s been, you know, a super big edge, because the same players are going to leave the same footprint every single time, you know. And that’s where you can kind of pick up these kind of little nuances. And you can see it before they dump a stock as well, you know, maybe you know, a stock has a habit of, you know, popping 50 cents over high today and then stuffing and turning it lower. Right. You know, so I mean, for me, I think as far as the newer market, it’s been you know, adapting to things like that that’s really kind of helped me.

Finding the Setup That Makes You Comfortable

James 12:06
Yeah, for sure. I think I think it’s tough because like right now, obviously, the market is changing pretty quickly. Like we go from this like kind of slow period to like this. And like for Zander like I feel like for you like it’s tough, right? Because you want to find the setup that makes you comfortable. And we talked about some of Joanne’s or is that you need to find a setup that no matter what you’re comfortable trading and like you know it like the back of your hand like for for me my bread and butter is like, in my opinion, like a VWAP rejection, like, I think I could do that with my eyes closed, like, I just understand it. And I’m comfortable doing it right. So a lot of that is going to come I feel like for you over time in screen time, I’m just like doing these setups and then recognizing like, I just don’t understand. And that’s okay, because not every trader is meant to trade the same setups like but when I tried to explain like the viewer projection to someone who does trade all the faders, they just had their mind doesn’t see it that way. And that’s fine, because I don’t see all the faders the same way that bear Tyler, Camellia does either. I think for you, as far as like we’ve had this conversation with the risk reward aspect, like it’s true. It’s like if you’re scaling into your position to your max size, which I never recommend, I don’t scale full size, because my problem was I would scale full size and then my losers would be massive. And my winner is like, again is the same thing, right? You might just hit one bullet, and then you got to figure out the rest. So for me, like when you’re hitting the first resistance kind of trades, that’s a lot of art. And I think a lot of like, learning sizing, which comes over time, because it’s true. It’s like if you just hit those first two bullets, like I learned this from Alex and like trading with Alex, like once Alex gets that kind of confirmation to him that the trade is on in that his line worked, then that’s when you start sizing it and he kind of sizes in without fear because he recognizes like, this is his confirmation. And I think a lot of people struggle with that. And I think the thing, biggest thing to remember is that when you’re scaling multiple lines, especially like if you’re using the 30% rule, each line to me is just an area of interest to start the trade. So like once one gets hit, but if a good that first line gives me the signal that like this is the line that’s going to stop. That’s usually what I’m saying, Alright, I’m gonna size it now and now set my risk according to this line. Whereas I think people get so confused when they sizing a line and they keep their original risk and then their risk is all messed up. And they think they’re only getting one to one. But in my opinion once you learn to size into that appropriate line once you get confirmation. That’s kind of when that when I think the game changes. Austin has a great webinar on sizing into using max size. And it’s it’s a lot of feel at a certain point there is kind of no science to adding size and it’s a lot of art involved in that and I think the science is kind of scaling but that nuance of learning to size in is something that just it’s weird, but it does come up Return.

The Importance of Self-Talk Before Entering a Trade

Harry 15:00
Yeah, and I think I just want to mention one thing, I think when, you know, I think Alex kind of does it similar to me, where we have a lot of kind of like internal dialogue, where, like, we know that if a stock hits, you know, this particular area, we know what it should do. And when when, when you have that kind of, you know, voice in the back of your head, and you’re, you’re, you’re talking to yourself, and, and, you know, you’re really kind of paying attention, and you’re like, Okay, if this hits, you know, 450, it should tank off 450. And if we’re supporting, you know, 445 for 30, then I’m not going to add here, maybe I’ll add a little higher, but, you know, I’m not going to size into the trade. And it’s that kind of self talk, for me, at least, that, you know, allows me to kind of maybe add a bit higher, or add a bit lower, or, you know, it’s doing what I want it to do, but when it’s not doing what I want it to do when I’m like, Oh, this should be if I find myself ever fighting his dog, or I find myself ever saying to myself, you know, like, you know, if I ever use the words like, come on, I know that I should probably take the trade off, right? Like, you know, you’re maybe you’re breakeven or maybe you’re down 10 cents, you’re like, Oh, come on, like you can kind of move up a little bit. You know, that’s probably a time for me where there was either something wrong with my entry initially, or it’s not doing what I want, and I should get out, but it’s just having that kind of self talk before you enter the trade that makes it when you’re in the trade so much easier, because you’re not stressing, and you’re not like, oh, what should this do? Or what should that? Do? You kind of have it all planned out, like, I want to be in at 15. And I want this sucker to tank immediately. And if we blow past 15, well, I’m gonna have to stop out. Or maybe I have a plan to add a little higher or whatever, right?

James 16:45
I think you don’t help you know, it helped me out a ton was once I identified my setups, like what I knew I wanted to trade. So like I knew I wanted to trade like first resistances I wanted to trade, you know, VWAP, rejections or VWAP, breakdowns, whatever.

James 17:04
I used to record my screen like every day, and I don’t do it anymore. It’s something that I actually kind of miss, because it was really helpful. But I recorded my screen every day. And Harry just kind of reminded me exactly what it was. But I basically would just record my screens and on the setups that worked for me, and that made me the most money, I would watch those pretty much over and over again, because like Harry said, I knew what they were supposed to do. So now, when I see a V Whap projection coming, I have this like internal like, memory bank of stocks that have done exactly what I want it to. So if you’re going to be getting into all the faders, for example, if you’re going to be getting into whatever it kind of set up, I really recommend recording the screen on any setup that like, you know, bear or Tyler or whatever are watching in the ones that they’re successful on. And the ones they aren’t, and then you really kind of can that’s your big study point. And you get to see what is this supposed to do? You know, one of the stocks that fatal they are one of those if you want to learn first resistance, what are the stocks that hit this resistance and fade? What’s the difference? And Harry’s Right? Like you kind of know immediately now like once you’ve done this long enough, you’re like, oh, wait, this trade is working for me. And I know it is because I’ve seen it a million times. Like, for example like even today on OP, whatever that stupid stock was that was failing. You know, like, it just was one of those. I’ve done it a million times I just short bounces under VWAP on a broken stock. I knew exactly what it should do on every bounce. I felt comfortable. I felt like in the driver’s seat. I never once felt nervous, because I know 100% what it’s supposed to do. It’s a giant dog outside. And and that just that just makes it easy. That just makes it way easier for me. And I think for you, you know, because I think you’re an over thinker. And it’s not a bad thing because a lot of traders are but I think you q curve overthinking by gaining the confidence and seeing the setups over and over again. And once you get that the kind of overthinking can subside, and you just know you have this like memory of what things should do. Yeah.

Zander 19:04
Okay, um, yeah, I definitely agree that I’m an over thinker. And I think the problem with me that I don’t like, I don’t stick with a setup long enough to learn it is because I’m like so systematized. And I don’t think I’m loose enough. Like when I see a setup, and I think it’s a good setup. I don’t take it for, for some reason, just because I’m scared. I’m missing something that is going to prove me wrong about it. So do you guys think I should just if I think a trade is good, should I just take it and then learn from it after like, that’s what I think I should do.

Harry 19:36
Yeah, I think so as well. And I think also another thing is that you need to really kind of deeply accept that like, you know, your all your trades are going to come, you know, from from one particular, let’s say, I don’t know. Did you guys freeze on me?

James 19:58
They were just sitting really still. Okay. Uh, oh,

Harry 20:00
I thought that you guys froze on me for a second, I think they’re all going to come from a particular, you know, form of stock or type of stock, right? You know, for me, it’s going to be those stocks doing really good volume that are churning higher that our overview app that are kind of moving really, really well, right, that’s the brand of stocks that I like to trade and what I’ve gotten good at, and when you can get good at a particular brand of stock, and maybe you can classify it as maybe, maybe you’re better at a low volume ticker, or a medium volume ticker, or a higher volume ticker, like I am. And when you start to classify that brand, things get a lot easier, you’re like, Okay, well, I’m very familiar with these kind of middle volume stocks that maybe have a big push, and then kind of start to fade off, right. And so it’s kind of recognizing that type of stock, you know, all your, all your bigger gains are going to come from one of those core areas. And now what you need to do is accept that, okay, you know, I’m not going to get the same signal every single day, there’s going to be different types of signals that are going to trigger me into a trade, but you need to trust that the screen time that you built in the time that you’ve spent, is worthwhile, right, and maybe, you know, it takes a little bit to prove something yourself, or maybe it takes a little bit like that. But you have to kind of deeply accept the kind of uncertainty, and you have to develop that type of trust within yourself to kind of say, okay, you know, maybe I’m not going to get the same signal, or the same Holy grey Grail or whatever.

The Problem With the Holy Grail All Day Faders

Harry 21:33
But, you know, I trust what I’ve learned, and I trust the process. So that’s going to make it a whole lot easier. Because I think the problem with a lot of people who want all day faders, is they want this holy grail, all day fader system, something that is going to pay them out every single day, you know, I’ve done this data on Excel or whatever. But the reality is, is that, you know, I’ve seen a ton of people try that, and I know, maybe one or two that are really, really, really profitable. And there’s one of them, right. And, you know, the thing for bear also, that you can argue is like, does bear have an edge through Excel, or does bear through and have an edge through seeing the same shit over and over and over again, every day and developing, you know, his knowledge of how tickers act, and you know, his experience through whatever, right. So I mean, there’s that argument that you could make. And also, I think that, you know, everyone’s just looking for the Holy Grail. But I don’t think there is one, you know, I took, let’s say, five different long trades today. And they were all because of different ways, you know, and I can tell you why I took them one was a buy into strength, because I thought we could squeeze people out. And other was kind of a support by because I figured that we were holding View app. Well, no, they’re all derived from different things. But the one thing for me, it has been that kind of screen time and that recording, and I’m also making those trades on a brand of ticker that I know has been paying me out a lot. You know,

James 23:01
I think I think a lot of people like misunderstand with bear that what makes him good at what he does is that he has a system. And it’s funny, I’ve seen bear stray from his system, like twice and two of those times are losses. And he just sticks to the exact system. Like I kind of know what he does. We talked about it, you know, he when he gets his entry, because he has a signal, his next entry is systematized, there’s a reason why he’s not just getting in to get in another spot get bigger, he’s adding on a specific point for specific reasons.

How to Find Your Setup

James 23:32
So Zander for you, where I think’s gonna cause you trouble on your setups. It’s just that, like Harry said, the trust in your system needs to take place. And honest God, I’m a big believer, I always relate trading to sports. If you want to get good at shooting free throws, what do you do you shoot free throws, right? So you start small with trading. And we have the system where we have the process in MIC that you find your setup. And you trade really small, right? You trade with 10 shares if you want if you’re with 100 shares wherever you’re at. And then what I did was I just had a graduation system of growth. So as I saw a setup that was working, I knew right away, I started trying too long, too. And I logged with 100 shares and I realized I was losing every time. So like right off the bat, I’m realizing Wait a second, I can’t gain size. I’m not consistent. I’m not green at all. So this setups not for me, but once I found the setup that was for me, I just started in really small. I mean, I’m talking you know, whatever, 50 shares or something. And then as I found consistency, I knew I could size up in it. And once you see a setup that works that many times like your brain just starts to click and you just start to understand like okay, like I’m confident enough to hit this setup like everyone ever I get DMS all the time like how do you know that that to hit this spot? How did you notice short here? Why did you add here and it’s like, because it’s like I’ve seen it work a billion times now and like app over time and I think that’s where like for you when you’re young. It’s kind of tough to because like I don’t know if the numerical like dollars I use tough to and like it’s a lot in your head. It’s a lot to think about. But I really want to see you kind of like dumb it down and just say like, this is the setup I’m looking to learn. And this is where I’m comfortable. And I like this setup because of XY and Z. And I understand it. Like Harry said, he knows he knows his pain, his playing field, he knows what stocks are moving prices, everything like he has his like matrix. And I think you need to kind of work on finding yours and then just slowly growing, because we talk a lot, right? And like is it and like you, you know what you’re looking for. But I feel like you’re you’re just like, Tyler dude, I used to talk to Tyler Cormellier all the time. And he overanalyze every little detail, which is okay. But it’s time for you to find that setup, with whether it’s all the faders or whatever, and kind of zone in on that. And kind of set your focus. Don’t worry about what Harry’s doing what Alex is doing whoever, find your setup, find your matrix, find what makes you comfortable. And I think you’re going to notice a massive difference.

Zander 25:54
Yeah, I agree. Should like, cuz I’m scared. I’m gonna sacrifice a month on focusing on one setup when I could have, you know, kind of tried both and found in one month, which one I wanted to pursue, like, can I like do multiple setups? Like the main one that I have actually been profitable somewhat at is like the view of short like you’re talking about? I just I haven’t I don’t know why I haven’t stuck with it. Probably. I don’t know, to be honest.

James 26:27
Do you think you’re just like, do you think when you see VWAP short, You’re just nervous because of being burned in the past?

Zander 26:33
Yeah, I think I think so. Like, I’m just scared of missing that one key detail. Like, I don’t know, I think it would be fine if I tried all the faders as well as like the view up short, because all the faders haven’t been happening that much. And so once I finally see a 50% plus gapper, I can play like I have a system for all day paid. So I’m just waiting to have a ticker.

James 27:00
Yeah. Yeah, sorry, I think zoned out there a little bit. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with like doing both setups. As long as you can differentiate them, and you don’t try to combine them. I think that’s where a lot of people get into trouble is when they try to like, you know that maybe they started on all day fader. And then they tried to short the VWAP projection, like, you need to identify that like, this is the setup, I’m trading today. And this is the setup, I’m trading right now. So like, I can’t mix up the two. And I think that’s where a lot of people like that try to do multiple setups get kind of screwed up. Because they they’re focused on hitting an all day fader. And it maybe it didn’t work. So they’re like, Alright, I’m gonna change to a VWAP Rejection. So it’s like, as long as you can separate the two in your mind. I don’t, personally I don’t see a problem with it. It’s just up to you to be able to do that and make sure you’re not oversaturated over you’re not overdoing your brain and like you’re not screwing yourself up.

Harry 27:57
Yeah, and I think one thing for Zander, if that makes a lot of sense. Oh, keep on. You can keep on? Or maybe there’s some lag?

James 28:07
Sure. I think Zander is lagging like a tiny bit

Zander 28:18
Yeah, I mean, I feel like all the faders will be easy to separate, like with VWAP. Shorts, just because they’re pretty much told they’re like really different. But when I’m trying to combine, like the view offshore and maybe like high day short, like those will be you know, those combined well, but you might say like, Okay, let me just go one more line up, Heidi’s right over here.

Zander 28:38
So yeah, that’s that’s a good point.

Harry 28:42
I think one thing that you can pay attention is like, you know, again, it comes back to the type of brand of ticker you’re shorting, you know, is it a hot chick? Is it a lower volume ticker? Is it a broken stock, you know, because I’m going to tell you nine times out of 10 on the Broken stocks with you know, volume in the pre market VWAP rejection well work, you know, but it’s that one time where you try and short a hot check that you get burned and all your confidence kind of goes away, you know, and, you know, I’m probably going to be long that VWAP reclaim because you know, it’s a check right?

James 29:18
Yeah, 100% Dude, I, I think people confuse like, I’ve known some guys now who you trade some like massive buff and size and like, it’s really cool like to talk to them. And the only difference between a lot of them and like everyone else, like I’m talking people who trade like Big Bucks inside like 100,000 200,000 shares or whatever. It’s just competence in the setup, right? So it’s like, we all fight the same demons when it comes to setups, we all fight the same problems of like anxiety if it’s going to work. But what differentiates the plate like the real traders from like the newbies is that they know what their setups going to do. And I just really want you for the next like, month or so to zone in and focus on what your setups supposed to do. And like, like why is it Do you think that every time you look at one or like bows or Alex’s charts, they look pretty much identical. Right? Like, I’ve traded with them now for years, like three years and like, generally their charts look the bucket. And same here, same thing I say this in all the episodes, I know I carry as an African post to it is, if you post a chart, I can tell, it’s his, because I know the setup he’s gonna look for and I just, I just recognize it. So it’s the same thing for you in building this level of confidence, it’s time for you to just build the confidence up, because the only difference between guys like fucking Alex and you is just Alex’s confident setup. And he’s seen it so many times. So why would he not throw fucking 30,000 shares at a setup when he’s when he knows it’s gonna pay him out nine times out of 10. Right? It’s the same thing. So that’s, it’s always been your biggest thing. And that’s, that’s what I want you to really zone in on in the next couple months, just learn your setups, find the levels that you know what that stock is supposed to do after it reacts from that level. Like again, there there knows what his stock should do after it breaches the first support line, or the second support line, and so on and so forth. So there’s no surprises anymore. You know what you’re doing and that’s when you’re gonna gain the confidence and don’t beat yourself up at all. So you’re bucking 17 years old, so you’ve already got a leg up on majority of people in this game and I think it’s it’s impressive, so you really shouldn’t let it get to you and just you have time, man. Don’t rush it.

Zander 31:21
Yeah, thanks.

James 31:24
Yeah, no problem, man. I think it’s like lagging a little bit there. can,

Harry 31:28
you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Well,

James 31:31
Zander, where are you? Where are you in the US?

Zander 31:36
I live in California in the mountains so yeah

James 31:41
That’s probably why I wonder if that’s what’s doing it.

Harry 31:44
Gonna need to put up a fucking tower with both fiber

James 31:48
Jesus Yeah. I mean, we’re coming up on our time anyways, but is there anything else you wanted to ask before we wrap it up? Oh, no, we’ve never had someone just peace out on it’s like well, I guess we’ll cut it off here. But you know, yeah, I mean, yeah, whatever. Okay,

Harry 32:12
Boys, peace out.



About the Author
119 posts
James F.

James Freedlender is a driven day trader and entrepreneur hailing from Boston. Since embarking on his trading journey in 2018, James has honed his skills and specialized in trading penny stocks, with a focus on longer time frame moves. His dedication and sharp instincts have contributed to his success in the competitive financial world. In addition to his day trading accomplishments, James is a thriving business owner, running a popular barbershop and collaborating with his family in the design and renovation of homes and businesses. His entrepreneurial spirit and keen eye for detail have paved the way for continued success in his various ventures. Outside of his professional pursuits, James is an avid golfer and hiking enthusiast, always eager to explore new trails and perfect his swing. His love for travel has taken him to many corners of the world, enriching his life experiences and providing inspiration for his work. A firm believer in giving back, James is passionate about helping others achieve their financial goals and guiding them on the path to success. His wealth of knowledge, combined with his dedication to uplifting others, makes James Freedlender a respected and admired figure in both his professional and personal life.